The Toronto Balsa Beavers MFC is hosting the 2009 Musciano model aircraft contest, Saturday September 26 at the Centennial Park controline circles. MAAC Membership is required.
Juniors and flyers who don't usually fly in competition are especially welcome!
The Musciano events will be run
alongside other controline contests
1/2A controline scale and Open class events
will also be held September 26.
Please see the links below for more information about the non-Musciano events. > Controline contests
Concours/Craftsmanship and Appearance
Stunt (modified)
OBJECTIVE: For many of us, a Scientific "hollow log" airplane, designed by Walt Musciano was the kit that introduced us to the wonderful world of model aviation. If you can remember the fun of these simple little airplanes, (and even if you don't) why not join us at the Balsa Beaver's second annual Musciano contest.
The purpose of this event is nostalgia, not serious competition.
It only takes a few hours to build one of the designs on the list.
If you're old Cox .049 is just a distant memory, they are readily available on Ebay. ca.
If your controline skills are lost, build a Man-Win trainer ( )
and bring it out to Centennial Park. We'll get you in the air.
These rules have been carefully written to encourage the simple spirit that made these little planes great. Making them into modern designs with modern engines and performance is not our purpose. The Balsa Beavers offer a full controline competition schedual for those who want serious competiton. Please visit our website.
That great model airplane that you had as a kid is still great. Why not build it again and join the fun?
All events will be conducted in accordance with MAAC regulations regarding control line models and the particular event being flown, except as is otherwise specified in these rules.
Parts of the aircraft that fall off during takeoff or during flight shall result in an attempt.
Parts of the aircraft that fall off during landing (or crashing) must be securely repaired/reattached before proceeding; failure to do so shall result in an attempt.
Such attempts and forfeited heats do not qualify for participation points. The other heats and attempts may still qualify the entrant for participation points however. Note: Per MAAC rules.
1. Must be 1/2A (.049) control line planes designed by Walt Musciano and kitted by Scientific.
(or the Blackhawk Models version). It does not need to be built from a kit however. The list of permissible planes (permissible to the best of our understanding) is shown in the sidebar. However, being on this list does not exempt them from satisfying any of the requirements listed in these rules. Only the designs included on this list are eligible to compete.
2. Either single or twin-engine models are permissible.
3. Only carved fuselage planes are permissible. No profiles. No built up from sheeting and bulkheads.
4. Only planes with solid wings are permissible. This also means exposed controls only;
not embedded or enclosed controls.
See side bar for eligible designs.
Most plans are available from....
Kits are available from .......
THE controline friendly hobby shop in the Toronto area is
A& J Hobbies at the 400 and Hwy 7. Arden and Jack can
help anyone from beginners to world level competitors.
A good site to check out is the Stunt Hanger 1/2A forum.
Registration is required but this is a honest, no spam, no hassle site. You can read about all of the latest developments in 1/2A C/L competition and international Musciano events.
In addition to the General specifications:
1. Planes are to be built per the plans except as permitted otherwise in these rules.
2. The size, outline, placement, and areas of the original are to be maintained. This includes the Wing, Stab, Elevator, Rudder, Fin, Fuselage Side and Top views, etc. Cowls (or landing gear), if included on the plans, may be left off; but will be not be scored as high in the Appearance and Craftsmanship event as the same plane with a cowl (or landing gear) that is otherwise equal. Cowls (and landing gear) may be made removable and left off in the flying events and doing so will not forfeit Appearance and Craftsmanship placement awarded while they were in place for Appearance and Craftsmanship
3. The fuselage must be carved from a block, or constructed of glued and carved slabs — no sheet and bulkhead or stick and tissue substitutions. Rounding and shaping of the fuselage must match original
4. Wing outlines must be maintained; the construction must be of solid wood; however, the airfoil is at the builder's discretion. Cutouts intended to lighten the wing are not permitted.
5. Modern control systems, hinges, and adjustable leadouts are permitted.
6. Finish and markings are at the builder's discretion. Colorful, elaborate, multi-color, finishes are encouraged.
1. A maximum of 2 different models may be entered; one each for Stunt or Concours. Note: you can practice with as many planes as time and your patience allows, but once you select a plane and use it for an attempt, an official, or in a heat, that’s your entry for that event. Backup entries (planes) are not permissible. Repairs, if safe in the opinion of the event director, are permissible.
2. If a model is entered in the Craftsmanship/Appearance event, it must be entered in one of the “flying” events. It must also be successfully flown in one of the “flying” events. "Successfully flown" means that Participation Requirements have been met.(See PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS).
The limited engine rule is intended to maintain the nostalgia spirit of the event and to keep the performance comparable to those that were built back then, balanced with the desire for current availability and a level competitive environment.
1. Engines must be .049’s or smaller.
2. Only those from the list below are allowed.
3. Only stock parts (as delivered on the engine) are allowed; except as otherwise permitted in the ELIGIBLE ENGINE listing.
4. Simple fitting of the stock engine parts is permitted, but hop ups are not. Example hop ups, not all the forbidden ones, include boring out the venturi, thinning the spray bar, opening up the bypasses, stuffing the crankcase, and so on.
5. Only suction fuel systems are allowed — no pressure.
6. Engines may be freely substituted on your plane between attempts, heats, officials, finals, etc.
Atwood: Wasp .049 and all the .049 Atwoods. This includes the Original/Cadet and those Atwoods with colored heads, integral heads; and the Signature, Atwood Shriek, and Atwood Shriek Signature engines. The Cadet (clear) or earlier Signature (colored) heads may be used on the Shriek, if desired, so as to use standard ¼ x 32 short glow plugs.
Cox: Pee Wee .020, Space Bug Jr., Babe Bee, Golden Bee, Black Widow, and product engines sometimes called the Cox 290. Engines may be of 2005 or previous manufacture. Not included are the Space Bug, Thermal Hopper, Space Hopper, RR1, TD, Venom, Killer Bee, and Texaco. Parts that fit may be freely interchanged, if desired, between the permitted Cox Engines.
Fox: Fox Sport.049 (not the large case/intake F.A.I. model). Glow heads are unrestricted.
F.R.O.G. .049 glow or diesel.
Holland: Wasp .049 only, not the Hornet.
K&B: K&B Infant, Torpedo .035, Torpedo .049, and SkyFury .049.
McCoy: Any McCoy .049, either Glow or Diesel. Also includes the plastic case Testers/McCoy engines.
OK Cub: Any OK Cub .049 (or smaller), either Glow or Diesel.
Spitfire: Baby Spitfire .045, Spitzy .045, and Royal Baby Spitfire .049.
Testors: Copy of Wen Mac Hotshot/AMF Thunderbolt.
Wen Mac: Any Wen Mac .049, including AMF copies.
Glow plugs are not restricted.
All engines must be smaller than .050 CID.
Not permitted are any engines, stock or otherwise, that have Killer Bee backplates, or that have TD, Texaco, Killer Bee, or Venom piston sleeve combinations, or other parts from anywhere other than the permitted engines. Norvils,Big Migs, Shirkens, Brodaks and any other
high performance engine not on the acceptable engine list will not be permitted.
Canadian rules allow any fuel desired.
1. Two lines required minimum.
2. Steel stranded cable, minimum diameter “.008” for single engine aircraft.
3."Spectra #8 or greater fishing line for single engine aircraft. Spectra is not allowed on
multi engined planes.
For multiple engine aircraft with total displacement exceeding .049 cubic inches, minimum diameter “.012”.
4. Length: 35 ft. from center of plane to center of handle grip, + 6”, - 0" tolerance.
1. Pull test will be 5 lbs for .049 or less total displacement.
2. For multiple engine models pull test will be 10 lbs for total displacements greater than .049.
3. Pull test must be repeated before every heat, attempt, or final.
4. At the Event Directors discretion a pull test may be required after crash repairs before being allowed to continue.
No participation points are awarded in the flying events without meeting the minimum participation requirements. The minimum participation requirements for the flying events are that the entrant successfully flew at least one lap and additionally in the opinion of the event director at least tried to successfully fly the event. The opinion of the Event Director(ED) is final and is not subject to appeal.
1. Placing in each event (Stunt, and Appearance) is as determined by the event description (see EVENT DESCRIPTIONS.)
2. Placement points are awarded for each event (Stunt, Speed, Rat Race and Appearance): 1st place, 10 points; 2nd place, 7 pts; and 3rd place, 5 points.
3. Participation points, everyone that did not place in item 2 above, and that met the minimum participation requirements (for the flying events), are awarded in each event (Stuntand Concours). (See PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS.)
4. Overall placement is the sum of all the above points; (see items 2 through 4.)
CONCOURS - craftmanship and appearance
1. Entries will be judged based on appearance and workmanship.
2. Concours judges will be as designated by the CD.
3. Each modeler will put his name on a tag/card with his entry.
4. Entry must be a completed plane, with engine, ready to fly.
5. Entry must be flown in one of the flying events (Stunt, 1/2A scale or Open 1/2A)
or else points and prizes must be forfeited and rewarded to next best placing
Concours entry (that was flown as required).
Scoring, attempts, conduct, rules, responsibilities, everything, will be exactly like MAAC precision aerobatics except as is otherwise defined here. As these planes are old designs, the maneuvers are somewhat like Old Time Stunt. There are also a couple of optional "tie breaker" maneuvers.
1. One level lap will be flown between maneuvers.
2. There is no penalty for running out of fuel once; refuel and continue where you left off. The CD may, at his/her discretion, allow "running out of fuel" twice (or three) times provided that time permits, and that this decision is made and announced prior to the start of Musciano Stunt.
3. Launch will be ROG from prepared takeoff area, or hand launched, competitor’s choice (flying over grass).
4. Electric starters may be used.
5. Three attempts will be allowed for two official flights. Note: "For two" is not the same as "for each of two". Be certain you understand the distinction.
Stunt scoring is by maneuver. Higher is better. Your score for each official flight is based on the sum of your points for each maneuver. Your placing for the stunt event is based on your best offic1al flight. The maneuvers and their point ranges are listed below.
Starting and launch within three minutes
0 or 5
Launch and level flight (2 laps)
Wingover (not reverse)
Climb and dive *(like old time stunt
Two inside loops
Approach and landing
* Like old time stunt - steep climb, one lap high, dive back to level at same place climb was initiated
Optional maneuvers: If modeler wants to attempt to gain additional points, tell the judges before you fly and include these after the inside loops.
One outside loop
Two lazy 8’s
Edited by Keith Morgan March 2009 with thanks to Ron McNally, Hal Howard, NVCL(November, 2005)
Copyright 2009- K.R.Morgan

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